Personal Computer News

Beautiful Movers

Published in Personal Computer News #075

Beautiful Movers

It certainly was all commotion on the Commotion stand. There were several bright red Beasty arms moving in synchronisation, lifting and moving objects from one position to another.

One of these arms was connected to a Beasty Mobile Base, Commotion's latest product. This base, which costs £60, carries 6.5kg, climbs a 45 degree slope and reaches speed of up to 5mph.

Commotion had also rigged up the "world's fastest Electron" by taking the insides out of an Electron and replacing them with a Beasty, servos and a large electric motor. But the most interesting, if not the most eye-catching, thing on the stand was the EV1 Electronic Vision System which costs only £129.95. This tiny, toy-like camera, despite its size, produced a very convincing moving picture. The resolution is low and for a fairly quick reaction it is best to have the picture purely black and white (you can get a picture with eight grey levels). Commotion's manual even claims you could make a short film. This is debatable.

The camera has accompanying software which allows you to get the eight grey levels, manipulate pictures, detect image changes and so on.

PCN will Pro-Test it in a forthcoming issue.

Peter Worlock