Personal Computer News

Exclamation Mark Aid For An Atmos Reset

Published in Personal Computer News #074

Exclamation Mark Aid For An Atmos Reset

An interesting Microwave from R. F. Harvey in issue 69 of PCN allowed the Oric Atmos function key to work in the same way as the reset button on the underside of the machine. However, it may be a nuisance to have to type in POKE #24A,#4C every time the key is used to re-enable the routine, so I have redefined the exclamation mark (!) to carry out this task.

10 MEM = #412
20 FOR N=0 TO 5
40 POKE MEM+N, VAL("#" + DA$)
60 DOKE #2F5,#412
70 END
80 DATA A9,4C,8D,4A,02,60

Run Mr. Harvey's program and then type in the listing. Once this has been RUN, type in NEW, then when the key has been used, the exclamantion mark will re-enable the routine.

Richard Wood
Lindley, Huddersfield

Richard Wood