Personal Computer News

Atmos Simulated ZAP Changes Volume

Published in Personal Computer News #104

Atmos Simulated ZAP Changes Volume

One problem on the Oric Atmos is the difficulty in changing the volume of the ZAP. This routine simulates the ZAP and allows volume change.

  20 FOR N=#400 TO #432
  40 DOKE #2F5,#400
  60 DATA #A2,#25,#A0,#04
  80 DATA #20,#86#FA
 100 DATA #A9,0,#AA,#8A,#48,#A9,0
 120 DATA #20,#90,#F5
 130 DATA #A2,0,#CA,#D0,#FD,#68,#AA,#E8,#E0,#70,#D0,#ED,#A9,8,#A2,#0
 140 DATA #20,#90,#F5
 150 DATA #60
 200 FOR N=0 TO 15:POKE #42D,N:CALL #400:NEXT
 210 FOR N=15 TO 0 STEP -1:POKE #42D,N
 220 CALL #400:NEXT

Duncan Bett, Wiveliscombe, Taunton

Duncan Bett