Personal Computer News

Deathstar Interceptor

Author: Bryan Skinner
Publisher: System 3
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Personal Computer News #110


Deathstar Interceptor is a little out of date - it's the 'official' version of the final scenes of Star Wars, and was first released for the Commodore 64. You know the theme - fly to the planet Deathstar, down a trench on its surface and loose off a direct hit on the reactor port. But despite the age of the ideas, Deathstar is pretty good.

There are three screens - well just. The first is a 'fly through the portal' affair; dead simple after a few tries, so it doesn't really count. The second appealed most - a good shoot-'em-up. Here you can see the Deathstar at the top left of the screen, in the distance, planet Earth off to the right. Waves of alien fighters swirl from the Deathstar's surface and snake towards you. Busy with dodging from side to side, raking the enemy hordes with laser fire, you may not notice the Deathstar edging closer.

The animation of the fighters is superb. They're straight Star Wars craft, large vertical side foils, etc, but as they turn and bank the perspective transformation is almost cartoon quality.

Survive your trip to the planet and it's down the trench. Sure, it's been done before, but this one's no piece of cake, even if the graphics are limited. Besides, it's nice to get two games in one.

The trench is deep blue with various devices set in the walls. Some of these spit lethal bullets, or set up deadly rays three-quarters of the way across the trench.

Deathstar Interceptor is good, despite being dated. The graphics have been given a lot of attention, it's worth a close encounter.

Bryan Skinner

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