Personal Computer News

Seaside Special

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Bob Chappell
Publisher: Taskset
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Personal Computer News #106


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside - but not if it's like the one Taskset has dreamed up.

As Radium Rodney (now there's an unsubtle clue), you must collect radioactive seaweed from Rot Away Beach. Then it's off to Downing Street where he engages in a bout of seaweed slinging at the windows of No. 10.

The reason of Rodney's anger is that evil Politikians have arrived from outer space and disguised themselves as Prominent Cabinet members. The plot, like the seaweed, is, well, weedy.

Seaside Special

Down on the beach the tide rolls in and out with a hiss. When it rolls out it leaves behind several mounds of the hot brown weed. Dodging assorted crabs, jellyfish, clams and guards, Rodney has to gather up the revolting stuff. Once he's amassed at least ten clumps, he can hop off to the capital on screen two.

From the windows of No. 10 alarmingly familiar faces appear at random. Rodney lobs the weed in their general direction before the occupants disappear back behind the curtains. Government bashers should love this.

And that's it. The game may not be intellectually stimulating, offer a wide variety of challenge or call for strategic planning but you can't say it's not original. However, although it's well executed, there's not enough game to persuade me to splash out. There's plenty more fish in the sea for me to try out.

Bob Chappell

Other Reviews Of Seaside Special For The Commodore 64

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Seaside Special (Taskset)
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Seaside Special (Taskset)
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