Dragon User


Author: John Scriven
Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Dragon User #021

Air Attack

Although sprites are not offered as one of the features on the Dragon, games writers are managing to produce them to good effect in some of the recent games I have seen. Fury is one of these, and they first appear in the title frame.

The theme is aerial combat in a cloud-filled sky, for some reason, somewhere in South America. You control a tiny plane in the centre of the screen that does not change its position, merely turning to face a different direction as you move the joystick around. The background moves in the opposite direction to the plane across the screen and this creates the illusion of movement.

Pressing the fire button produces a stream of bullets that go in the direction in which your plane is pointing. These can be aimed at the many enemy gun-ships that come after you, and this naturally increases your score. There are also several parachutes that float gently across the display.

The effect is visually very good, and would look excellent if the Dragon produced sharp colours, but as it is, it shows up best in black and while. If you can cope with the dizziness that comes through staring too long at the fluffy clouds passing by, you may be awarded another aeroplane as yours bites the dust.

I'm not sure about Fury; it looks good but doesn't really get anywhere. On one occasion I left the plane pointing at the top of the screen and just kept on firing. Whether I was simply lucky I don't know, but anything that came close disappeared with a bang, my points continued to rise, and I almost gave up after two minutes or so out of boredom. Then suddenly a magnetic mine appeared from nowhere and blew up my remaining plane in seconds - so beware!

If you fancy your chances against the Red Baron you may enjoy this game, but I found it a little on the tame side.

John Scriven

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