The Bit At The Back

Published in EUG #6

Did you notice that "The Bit At The Front" was missing from this issue? Due to lack of space, a number of things had to be left out, so if you've sent a letter, articles or advert recently which didn't appear, look out for it next time.

A quick word to new readers...

EUG is produced (more or less) bi-monthly at a cost of £1.30 per issue. Subscriptions can be paid on an issue by issue basis, or in multiples of £1.30.

Submissions for inclusion in future issues should be sent as a printout or in legible handwriting, but I would appreciate it if actual programs could be sent on 3.5" ADFS disk or tape, as this will avoid fatal typing errors on my part. If you can send lengthy text articles as View files on tape or disk that would also be very helpful. By the way, I know some of you are still waiting to have tapes and disks returned so I'll try to do this as soon as possible. The next issue should be out in November.

Will Watts, September 1992, EUG #6

Will Watts