A&B Computing


Author: Jonathan Evans
Publisher: Audiogenic
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in A&B Computing 4.11

First release for Audiogenic newcomer Dean Lester, who has an earlier game Saracoid due on Power Pack 2. Unlike anything I can recall, the game is probably officially describable as 'wild and wacky'.

On seemingly endless screens on many levels, you must bounce this bizarre character Ziggy (a head on a spring) around checkerboard designs, collecting pyramids, avoiding movable and stationary nasties until, with an audible sigh of relief, you reach your true love and bounce suggestively up and down in front of her! Hm, well bizarre!

The game is quite simple to play (different rates of bounce will jump you over objects) but the energy level does creep down quite smoothly and it is very easy to get lost between screens - each screen has arrows pointing in different directions and you're carried off screen if you land on one. Access to different levels depends on clearing the previous level and this is a game that demands either an excellent memory for screen designs or a large, very large map.

The inclusion of a screen designer which is easy to use and fun to play with makes this an excellent if slightly unusual package. I enjoy it - and I think you will too.

Jonathan Evans

Other Acorn Electron Game Reviews By Jonathan Evans

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  • Sphere Of Destiny Front Cover
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  • Battlefields Front Cover
  • Video's Revenge Front Cover
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  • Enthar Seven Front Cover
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  • Savage Pond Front Cover
    Savage Pond
  • The Adventure Creator Front Cover
    The Adventure Creator