Acorn User


Author: Sam Greenhill
Publisher: Impact
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Acorn User #079

Zenon is set in a mysterious and dangerous land where only the most heroic and foolish explorers dare to tread. It begins with your intergalactic cruiser beaming you down via a field of glittering particles and arming your Repeat Laser. The Laser is a very limited weapon, so one of your first tasks is to collect additional fire-power.

The game scrolls horizontally and has the facility for two players to battle it out together. The ultimate objective is to get to the heart of the planet Zenon and see what's there. Unfortunately, the keys aren't definable but this is no particular problem as the predefined selections are reasonably sensible and joysticks are on offer for either or both players.

There are a number of alien species to combat against. They include snake-like androids, and large steel eyes - which wink! There are 250 levels to complete - each one more difficult than the last. Four lives per player are provided, and during the first few seconds of each new incarnation you are immune to the perils around you - a nice alternative to starting back at the beginning!

One thing I found strange: after my four lives had been taken and the Game Over message displayed I always started a new game where the old one left off. Bug or feature?

This game definitely comes into the category of hasty final touches. While it can provide amusement for a certain amount of time, Zenon doesn't exactly bristle with innovation. It looks good, but eyes can be deceptive.

Sam Greenhill

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