Electron User


Author: Pendragon
Publisher: Larsoft
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Electron User 4.09

When this adventure landed on my desk for review I was absolutely knocked out by the package's sinister graphics. I carefully read the well-written informative notes and loaded the program with anticipation. After only 20 minutes of exploration and head scratching, I was hooked.

You play the role of an ex-convict who shared a cell with a character called Jonesey. He talked in his sleep and have you a good idea of where he hid the loot from a bank robbery.

Obviously your task is to recover the swag, stashed away near Wychwood Manor, for yourself. As you leave your car in a quiet country lane which leads east, "the sound of birds fills the crisp air of an early autumn morning". This introductory location gives an indication of the atmospherics of the whole adventure.


You are free to move through the first few locations without encountering any real obstacles, though the pond may at first baffle you.

I was particularly taken by the various doors which require different techniques to open them. I expect you'll open the cabin door easily but the front door is rather more difficult - the trick involves a loose key, a paper clip and a newspaper. Try and work that one out! I'll also leave you to discover the secret passage for yourself.

Wychwood isn't a particularly large adventure, but each location will provide interest and material to solve the various puzzles. Try listening to the sermon in church - the reward is quite earthly.

The adventure is littered with objects which require careful examination, thought and manipulation. For instance, in the cabin I discovered a mannequin and clapperboard which had me foxed for hours.

Larsoft boasts that its games are free of bugs, non-violent, and can be solved by pure logic. If this is an indication of things to come I will have no hesitation in buying all of their future releases.


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