Your Sinclair

WEC Le Mans

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Jon Pillar
Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #63

WEC Le Mans

Aha! This is the driving game that's my barg of the month, if not the year. Like most coin-ops, it's simpler than Simple Simon's simple brother - just complete 4 laps of a course without running out of time between the checkpoints. But, it's the kind of game that once loaded is harder to get off your Speccy than fluff stuck under the ENTER key! Unusually for the Ocean conglomerate, the 128K sound is rather (hem hem) 'dubious', though the graphics are top-notch. The road has more twists and dips than a '50's dance craze! The other cars progress from puttering L-plate drivers to speed maniacs who hog the inside lane of vicious curves before ganging up to box you in! The clock never reaches zero unless the checkpoint is just too far away, and the playability leaps so far off the top of the scale that you could give it a brush and get it to paint the ceiling! My only quibblette is that, no matter how slow you're going, whenever you hit something you skid to a complete halt. WEC regains some brownie points by politely stopping the clock as it scrolls you back onto the road.

What else can I say? It's better than Chase HQ. (Blimey! A complete barg - and some controversy thrown in for free. Service or what?!)

Jon Pillar

Other Reviews Of Wec Le Mans For The Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Wec Le Mans (The Hit Squad)
A review by Chris Jenkins (Sinclair User)

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