Your Sinclair


Categories: Review: Software
Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: React
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #52


Another distinctly Brie-flavoured oldie from Martech - but YS readers of old may remember the furore that greeted it. Not only did the game come with a scrumptious pic of some Page 3 girl (whose name now escapes me) plastered all over the front, but so did YS that month. Parents were furious and outraged. "I'm furious" wrote one. "And I'm outraged" fumed another. It was all an enormous hoot, and even if the girl had overdone oil a bit, YS readers of a certain age lapped it up. "PHWOOOARR!" opined Phil. "FNAR FNAR!" yelled JD. And Macca's monkey impersonations were a delight to see.

In fact we enjoyed ourselves so much it was only later on that we came to look at the actual game. And naturally enough it wasn't very good. A simple chaseabout enlivened only by Vixen's skill with a whip (bucket of water, someone, please), it goes nowhere in a pretty but unmemorable sort of way, and as there isn;t even a giant poster of whateverhernamewas with her bits poking out, there really isn't much point in it all any more. A nice try, though.

Marcus Berkmann

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