Computer Gamer


Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer Gamer #27


The year is 2987. Brok the Brave (That's you!) has ended up on a high security planet. His only way out is to accept a mission that will bring him face-to-face with Dracula and his vampires.

This ancient Transylvanian-toothed horror is still terrorising the Earth and its space stations too. To defeat him, Brok must first descend into the depths of Dracula's castle.

The castle consists of 95 rooms packed with energy draining critters and traps. The rooms are built from a series of platforms that our hero can leap around in his attempt to collect the five keys that will unlock the way to six magical shutters that, when opened, lead to the surface and a hammer, stake and cross. Brok will then have the means with which to destroy Dracula who you must meet in a final jet-pack powered confrontation in deep space.

However, few people will get as far as this in this multi-screen platform game as it is horrendously difficult. Any mis-timed jump or wrong step will plummet you down a chasm or a well that you just can't escape from. This is particularly unfair when it happens in room 94! To add to your troubles, you are consistently hassled by skulls, monsters and arrow traps that whittle away your life power and bring the game to an abrupt end - you get only one chance in this game.

A real challenge this game, but I doubt anyone will be good enough - or bothered enough - to play it through.