

Author: Robin Candy
Publisher: 39 Steps
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Crash #42


Not on the side of the angels (for once), you must penetrate the orbital prison of Triaxos and free the only man alive who can activate the galaxy's most powerful weapon.

The inlay doesn't give a reason for all this, but yours is not to question why... oh, and you've got just 30 minutes to complete the job.

Triaxos is composed of 64 isometric 3-D flick screens, each representing one small block. A 3-D cube at the screen's top displays your position on Triaxos.


The blocks contain pulse-firing protecting droids, programmed on five levels, but luckily you didn't forget to pack a droid-destroying blaster.

Some blocks have a 'face-lift' device which alters the orientation of the room, shown on a lower screen display, turning walls into ceilings and vice versa. Using this, other rooms can be accessed - and you can avoid falling to your death through apertures in the floors.

In one block there's a cloning booth that allows you to replicate and so guard yourself against possible death, but using it drains your personal power.

But most importantly you must collect the tour components of a laser capable of destroying the mind probe which approaches to interrogate your target...


Control keys: A left/up, Z right/down, N left/down, M right/up, SPACE to fire
Joystick: Kempston, Interface 2
Use of colour: monochromatic playing area; choice of background colours not liked
Graphics: small sprites, unimaginatively drawn
Sound: light on spot FX
Skill levels: one
Screens: 64


'Yet another 3-D isometric puzzle-solving game, with the usual monochromatic graphics, Triaxos can best be described as 'average and offering no real innovations'. Control of the central character is awkward and movement is painfully slow, lowering playability - you get bored waiting for him to cross a room.'


'Triaxos is one of a long line of logic-based arcade games. The usual mixture of puzzles and strategy is there, but it didn't keep me interested for long. The graphics are above average, though the sprites could have been clearer, but the intro tune is horrible.'


'What a boring game this is - about as exciting as watching paint dry, and getting a headache in the process from the programmers' unappealing colours. The plot's too thin to involve - just blowing up a few aliens is not my idea of fun.'

Robin CandyNick RobertsMark Rothwell

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