Home Computing Weekly


Author: M.P.
Publisher: Pocket Money
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Home Computing Weekly #120

Roll up, roll up all the fun of the fair. Well, at least one of the stalls! A shooting gallery that offers you some fast moving targets.

With these pocket money games you aren't going to get much variety, with this one you are given an interesting challenge.

At the beginning you can choose between black, buff and green backgrounds but it's best to go for the highest resolution, black. It's joystick controlled and once you have pressed the button the targets go across the screen from the top and snake down three levels in caterpillar style. You see a tin man, roller ball, rabbit and duck but there is also a bonus target which you have to avoid.


You have 45 bullets to clear the 30 targets in a generous time limit of eight minutes. I never did go the whole length of time. One of the problems is that if you don't clear the ducks out quickly, by the time they've gone round three times you lose five bullets for each duck through. In addition to that if you hit a bonus target then not only do you lose that potential score but they all tum to ducks.

I never did get to the bonus screen where a tank is supposed to appear. This is an added incentive but after that you go back to the original gallery.

Quite an addictive game and demanding some skill in aiming your shots. At this price I would recommend it as one of the better cheapies.


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