
The Last Vampire

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Atlantis
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Crash #80

The Last Vampire

What only one left? Yup, all the nasty vampires of the world have been destroyed except for one, who insists on terrorising the inhabitants of Whitley Bay. There's only one way to do him in: drive a stake through his heart with a silver hammer. Your job is to find these items and do the dirty deed.

Whitley Bay is a lovely little seaside town, made up of wooden timbered houses, trees and olde shoppes where you can purchase items to help you in your quest. Down on the sea host you will also find a pirate ship with vicious crew.

Small, colourful sprites make up the town's scenery with animated characters doing all the moving around. There are fines and sound effects too, to give that finishing touch.

The Last Vampire is fun to play, but the amount of pirates, seagulls and killer bats out to get you makes it really difficult to get anywhere. This is another excellent arcade adventure from Atlantis. All their releases have a similar style, but with the varying story lines and gameplay they're all great valve for money.

Nick Roberts

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