Big K

By Micro Power
Commodore 64

Published in Big K #7


Well now, what have we here? Space Invaders with parrots. Faced with a massive flock of parrots there are only three possible courses of action. Cover your head - if the stuff gets in your hair you'll never get it out, if you get my drift; run like hell and be branded a coward for life, or reduce them to component parts and make a fortune in the Kentucky fried/feather duster business. Me, I plump for that last option.

Apart from a few minor details, this is a tarted-up Space Invaders, the only difference being the parrots and their disconcerting habit of swooping - hence Swoop, geddit? - from their holding pattern in the skies above and depositing a rather deadly egg next to you. Hit it and your ship disappears in a most impressive explosion. It sort of breaks up in bits and spins away and off the screen.

It's quite nice even though the sound is a bit lacking, but all the same it's still Space Invaders. Something a bit more original would have been better.