By Parco Electrics

Published in Computer & Video Games #44


Superhod's job is to shift materials from the store to his brickie on the scaffolding of a semi-finished house. On the way he is under threat from kamikaze dozers and dumpers which shunt backward and forward at alarming speeds on the site.

While you are able to use either joysticks or keyboard to make Superhod airborne, this is very temporary and is usually accompanied by the sound and attendance of an ambulance resulting in a lost life.

Whenever he successfully delivers his bricks, another two layers are added to the structure at high speed by Superbrick, then it's back to the store for more punishment.

Points are gained by negotiating obstacles, dumpers and dozers, and by each layer built on the house.

When the house is completed, the next screen adds more obstacles, and so on.

While the graphics are rather Lego-like, they add to the appeal of this quite addictive game.