Sinclair User


Author: Richard Price
Publisher: Firebird
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Sinclair User #41


This month's final offerings are both produced by Firebird and written with the Quill. The first is Subsunk.

You are Ed Lines ace reporter for the trade rag Seafaring Gazette. Your assignment, to seek out the truth of life in a nuclear submarine, has run into deep trouble. A foreign power has attacked the sub, captured the crew and scuttled the vessel.

Your only way to safety will be to rig up some sort of aerial and send a distress message to Headquarters.


There are fast, bright graphics for many of the sub's numerous compartments, the occasional sound effect, and a friendly interpreter which gives information about even useless items. Add a few wry jokes and you have an enjoyable adventure.

You have to devise a way not only to sort out the radio link but also to send up the aerial on a float. One slip and you will depressurise.

I was initially put off on reading the cassette notes and thought I was in for another dose of rather dreary escaping. Not so, as the sub is interesting enough to take your mind off the lack of other creatures. ^Well designed and thoroughly enjoyable escapism.

Richard Price

Other Spectrum 48K/128K Game Reviews By Richard Price

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    Tower Of Despair
  • The Crystal Frog Front Cover
    The Crystal Frog
  • The Wrath Of Magra Front Cover
    The Wrath Of Magra
  • Beatle Quest Front Cover
    Beatle Quest
  • Stagecoach Front Cover
  • Rapscallion Front Cover
  • The Pay-Off Front Cover
    The Pay-Off
  • Human Torch & The Thing Front Cover
    Human Torch & The Thing
  • Ziggurat Front Cover
  • The Prisoner Of The Village Front Cover
    The Prisoner Of The Village