Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: A.W.
Publisher: Supersoft
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #43

It doesn't take much thought to realise that this is a copy of an Atari game of similar sounding name. Unlike most copies, however, this game is superb.

An alien bundle of energy resembling a bundle of sticks moves about the screen. You try to pen it in by drawing a line about it with a force field.

As you complete the perimeter, the area outside the field is filled with colour. You must not pause whilst forming the force field or a 'ripple' will come and get you.


Similarly two quarks creep about trying to jump on you. When you've covered at least 76% of the screen you get a new screen.

With each new screen the alien and the quarks become meaner and go for the throat with increased alacrity. In fact, after about six screens, life becomes positively impossible.

The game uses the bit mapped mode and is beautifully programmed. My only complaints were the lack of a high score display and the lack of clarity of the score.

If you have a C64, you must get Stix. It shows what a *real* game is like.


Other Reviews Of Stix For The Commodore 64

A review by Bob Chappell (Personal Computer News)

Stix (Supersoft)
A review by DJ (Personal Computer Games)

Stix (Supersoft)
A review

Stix (Supersoft)
A review

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