A&B Computing

Smash & Grab

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Dave Reeder
Publisher: Superior
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in A&B Computing 2.03

Ever fancied trading your nine-to-five existence for the excitement of a life of crime, robbing banks and living life as a wanted man? When you've met the policeman in this game from Superior Software you may well decide it's not such a good idea after all.

In Smash And Grab, you are the villain who has just booted a traffic cone through the window of the local bank. Out through the gaping hole drift the sacks of loot and you must grab them before they disappear into the river below. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, your misdeed has caught the attention of a nearby policeman. Now this guy is not your friendly neighbourhood bobby, he combines the agility of a monkey with an almost psychopathic desire to bring about your early demise. In short, he's an absolute lunatic!

When you are on the level above him he reaches up with his truncheon and gives you a swift whack around the shins causing you to topple off. If he catches you below him, he drops down onto his stomach and leans over the edge to give you a nasty battering round the head. By way of a change, occasionally he will drop down onto you from above and with the aid of his size tens deposit you in the river.

Smash And Grab

To add to your troubles there are frequent appearances of three flying traffic cones that you must dodge rather smartly or else attempt to kick out of the way to gain extra points.

The only help available to you comes from the four police boxes located at various points. When the light flashes on the top of one of them you must get to the box quickly and give it a sharp kick. Having done so you can now dispose of PC Plod when you next encounter him. At the same time the bags of money stop drifting which makes it easier for you to collect them.

This state of affairs only lasts for a short while and soon the demon Plod climbs from the river where you sent him and the fun begins again.

Smash And Grab

Points are scored for kicking the flying cones, collecting the money bags and knocking Plod into the river. You must collect eight of the moneybags before progressing to the next screen.

Smash And Grab breaks no new ground as far as the graphics are concerned with nothing that you probably haven't seen before in other ladders and girders games.

Sound is quite good but there is nothing outstanding here either. What does set this game apart from others though is the humorous aspect of it. It's a lot of laughts. Be warned however, the game is not easy and requires a lot of effort to even get to the second screen.

Dave ReederPeter Rochford

Other Reviews Of Smash And Grab For The Acorn Electron

Smash & Grab (Superior)
A review by Jon Revis (Electron User)

Smash And Grab (Superior)
A review by D.C. (Home Computing Weekly)

Other Acorn Electron Game Reviews By Dave Reeder

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  • Uranians Front Cover
  • Felix Meets The Evil Weevils Front Cover
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  • Early Reading Front Cover
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  • Olympic Spectacular Front Cover
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  • Wordplay Front Cover
  • Cybertron Mission Front Cover
    Cybertron Mission
  • Colossus Chess 4 Front Cover
    Colossus Chess 4
  • Survivors Front Cover
  • Mr. Wiz Front Cover
    Mr. Wiz

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