Sinclair User

Sir Lancelot

Author: John Gilbert
Publisher: Melbourne House
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K

Published in Sinclair User #34

Willy In Armour

Sir Lancelot

If you own a 16K Spectrum and have felt left out since Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy were produced for the 48K machine then Sir Lancelot, from Melbourne House, may take away some of the heartache.

Although the author does not equate the game with the best-selling Willy series there are some obvious parallels. As the fabled knight in shining armour you must investigate 24 rooms through which have been strewn treasures, including keys, crowns and gold, and seven difFerent types of monster. They move mechanically up and down or across the screen and your task is to develop a strategy to defeat them and retrieve the treasure.

The solutions to the treasure quests on each screen are made harder when the objects seem to be out of reach. However, each screen contains an answer and it just takes practice to get to the next one.

Sir Lancelot is a 48K game crammed into a 16K machine and as such the author should be congratulated.

John Gilbert

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  • Astroplaner Front Cover
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  • Microdrive Recovery Front Cover
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  • Astroclone Front Cover
  • Match Point Front Cover
    Match Point
  • Scalextric Front Cover
  • Greyfell: The Legend Of Norman Front Cover
    Greyfell: The Legend Of Norman
  • Cluedo Front Cover