Sinclair User

Secret Mission

Author: Richard Price
Publisher: Adventure International
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #45

Secret Mission

The second game, Secret Mission, has more of a plot and places you on the inside of a nuclear reactor which is threatened by a suicide bomber.

The detcctive-cum-spy format is set in a futuristic world where you must learn the function of numerous control panels and must find ways to pass security doors guarded by video cameras and electronic security systems. The reactor building is split into a number of colour coded levels and the first task is to discover the correct passes to enter protected sections.

Both programs are well produced and the idea of providing broad hints at difficult points provides an incentive to carry one if you get stuck - which will happen, I assure you.

Publisher: Adventure International Price: £9.95 Memory: 48K


Richard Price

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