Sinclair User

Road Toad

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: DK Tronics
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #20

Road Toad


EVERY BODY seems to have a fascination with frogs and toads which are likely to be squashed by lorries, bitten by snakes or drowned by dipping turtles.

The latest in a long line of Frogger games is called Road Toad for the 16K Spectrum.

Road Toad

The toad must jump through three lanes of heavy juggernauts, evade the snakes on the river bank and jump across logs and turtles to get to the lily pads at the top of the screen.

You are given two toads and 100 seconds to avoid all the obstacles.

It would have been better to give the player less time and more frogs because the highway is so packed with lorries that it is difficult to escape even from the first lane.

Road Toad

As with the original arcade version, one or two players can compete against each other for the fastest time in which to get the frogs across.

Unfortunately dK'Tronics has not included a joystick option so it is not as easy to play as it should be.

It is difficult to become accustomed to the key layout as the up, down, left and right keys are all in line and next to each other. As a result it is easy to mix those key combinations.

It would have been better to separate the keys and put them in a joystick configuration.

Road Toad can be obtained from dK'Tronics, 23 Sussex Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. It costs £4.95.

Other Reviews Of Road Toad For The Spectrum 48K

Road Toad (DK'Tronics)
A review by M.B. (Home Computing Weekly)

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