A&B Computing

Phantom Combat Simulator

Author: Shingo Sugiura
Publisher: Doctorsoft
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in A&B Computing 5.06

A welcome re-release for the best flight simulator for the Beeb; after Aviator that is. Sophisticated but instantly enjoyable, this detailed combat simulator has several levels of interest - as a practice program, as a simulator, as a kind of double combat game and, with the special program and hardware link, a multi-user game on two different machines.

The last version is the most instantly impressive - each screen shows the player his own flight pattern and it is very disconcerting to watch your opponent slip in and out of sight, knowing that he has you pegged for an early crash pretty soon. This does require at least one disc drive, however, and of course two machines in the same room but it's worth arranging if you can.

The basic package comes with a very detailed manual and many hours of enjoyment can be had learning to fly - Doctor Soft also produced the excellent 747 simulator, you may recall.

We gave this game a lot of coverage when it was first released - now at bargain prices, you have no excuse for not adding it to your collection.

Shingo Sugiura

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