Personal Computer Games


Author: SC
Publisher: Melbourne House
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Personal Computer Games #8


Word is out on the streets of a new game from Melbourne 'The Hobbit' House. Stunning graphics, unusual game concept, superb animation - Mugsy is definitely the Godfather of all strategy games.

Don't let the word strategy put you off, though. Whoever saw a strategy game with graphics like these? The scenes of downtown Manhattan - or is it the Bronx? - are simply superb. Some of the screens come to life before your very eyes, and the detail of the animation is extraordinary.

There are arcade elements as well in this excellent game as you struggle to stay alive in a battle with rival gangs, corrupt policemen, and even your own men (most of whom are distinctly untrustworthy).


Each year you must divide your bank balance between armaments, protection rackets, buying up 'clients', and police corruption. You may also have to buy off assassination attempts by both your own men and the opposing Rocco's mob.

Should your followers become dissatisfied (which they do with predictable and sometimes unjustifiable regularity) you will be plunged into a brief arcade sequence in which you must get the better of a hired assassin.

If you fail, that's the end of the game. Otherwise you can proceed to yet new heights of glorious infamy. At the end of the year you are treated to one of two stunning graphic interludes featuring an animated shoot-out sequence.

My only quibble with Mugsy is that the interludes become a little repetitive after a while, but the printed responses to your inputs are superb and often very funny.

This game had me at gun-point for hours on end. In the end I copped it in the saloon with a score of 48%. But what a way to go!


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