
Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Encore
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Crash #79

Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz

I really can't see the point of doing a pop quiz on a computer unless its music capabilities are really good. Mike Read's Pop Quiz on the radio relied on the players listening to pieces of music and answering questons on them, it's almost impossible to recreate this on the Spectrum!

The game is a straight forward quiz game with a digitized picture of Mike and the faces of the players you choose to be on your team. The screen is mainly blank most of the time with seemingly endless scrolling messages of Mike going on and on about points, and giving questions on bands you've never even heard of! I did get one question with the Pet Shop Boys in it though! Amazing.

After you've played through the game once it gets pretty boring. There's the option of loading in new question blocks but it doesn't take long to get through these. This type of quiz game has never appealed to me. It seems all the programmers do is change the questions and t he main digitized picture of the presenter.

Playing with friends may enhance playability a little, but if you know what's good for you, you'll stick to the board game or the radio programme.

Nick Roberts

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