Your Sinclair

Kwik Snax

Author: Rich Pelley
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #62

Kwik Snax

Evil Wizard Zaks has cast a nasty well (the scamp) which has sent four members of Dizzy's family to four separate islands in the land of Personality. You, as Mr Egg-head himself, have to go and rescue them all.

Each island is divided into five separate screens, each with a different theme (ice, clouds, Teddy bears and a castle) - you have to walk around each one and collect all the fruit to get onto the next, avoiding baddies or alternatively pushing the blocks of the 'maze' to get in their way. Bonuses can be collected of course - some good (kill all baddies, extra score etc), and some bad (reverse controls - a bummer, and something which makes you really slow), and also a bonus screen every screen, where you can collect even more fruit (for score).

And that about the size of it. A completely different turnip than the other Dizzy games, but still just as good - if not more so 'cos it's just so spookily addictive. It's really nicely presented too - with colourful graphics and everything. It's ace. In fact I like it so much, I'm not even going to give my copy back! [Oi! - Ed]

Rich Pelley

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