Home Computing Weekly


Author: A.W.
Publisher: Mr. Chip
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #93

Motorcycle and BMX games seem to be all the rage. You play the part of a motor-cyclist and must attempt obstacle courses in the shortest time possible. The obstacles comprise of water jumps or vehicles, rough ground, tyres or barrels and walls or fences.

Each type of obstacle requires different speed or tactics and must be approached with care. You can compete on your own or with another player.

There is a choice of eight courses and you have three attempts over which to average your score. The design is good with neat, colourful graphics, fair animation and ubiquitous smooth scrolling.

On the whole, I found this very frustrating and unsatisfying. The control required over some obstacles was not always obvious. Whilst the cassette insert gave hints. I found that some obstacles were impossible to negotiate without incident. Possibly the game is meant to be this tough, but excessively difficult games can have a negative effect.

In spite of my difficulties, I am sure that this is a game which will respond to patience, perseverance and time.


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