Sinclair User

Jewels Of Babylon

Author: Richard Price
Publisher: Interceptor Micros
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #37

Jewels Of Babylon

WOW, you think, as soon as you've loaded Jewels of Babylon, what faberooney graphics! Don't get overexcited though - there aren't that many.

The setting would do justice to Desert island Discs - a remote, tropical sea-girt spot with dunes and palm trees. Somewhere in the interior lie concealed the jewels of the title.

Promising? Possibly, but first try to get into the wee rowing boat. Enter boat? Climb down? No - it's got to be 'Climb into boat'. The interpreter is not hyper-friendly.

Once ashore you explore. There are a few objects littered about but it is possible to wander around like a total wally for endless stretches.

Endless perserverance may well get you somewhere but personally I play games to be entertained.

Richard Price

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