Home Computing Weekly

Interdictor Pilot

Categories: Review: Software
Author: M.N.
Publisher: Supersoft
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #88

If you are looking for a gentle introduction to flight simulators, then you had better keep looking - this new space flight simulator is dauntingly complex.

It comes with a 48-page instruction manual, which goes into great detail about the theory behind the spacecraft and its weaponry, the various types of craft you are likely to meet, and the working principles, damage susceptibility and interpretation of the instruments and displays.

However, such basic points as how to load and run the program, and which combinations of keys you need, are dealt with sketchily, if at all.

You cannot, as I discovered, simply flick through the manual while the program loads. Unlike most CBM 64 tapes these days, it doesn't fast-load. You can't hope to pick up what to do as you go along. This program requires a considerable investment of time if you are to get anything out of it.

This is one for the real enthusiast and if, unlike me, you are sufficiently enthusiastic about simulators to spend this much money on one, you may well find it a good buy.


Other Reviews Of Interdictor Pilot For The Commodore 64

Interdictor Pilot (Supersoft)
A review by A.W. (Home Computing Weekly)

Interdictor Pilot (Supersoft)
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Interdictor Pilot (Supersoft)
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