Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: A.W.
Publisher: Anirog
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #39

What I always wanted, a game involving a small, charming furry alien called Bert!

This unfortunate country cousin has been kidnapped by a wicked witch and dumped on a pyramid of hexagonal pillars.

His task is to skip from pillar to pillar painting them as he goes.


A pair of bouncing balls and a rather annoying snake move about trying to slice Bert up ... all very nasty.

There are a pair of rotating disks which can be used to escape the opposition.

The bouncing balls appear to have little aggressive intelligence, and are renewed as they leave the bottom of the screen. The snake, on the other hand, wastes no time in tracking Bert down.

The game uses nice graphics with the ubiquitous sprites.

I had only one moan. The colours used were not ideal if you have a black and white set; pale blue and yellow are almost identical shades of grey.

For some reason, the title page lakes a ridiculous time to finish its display and it became rather tedious. Overall, a rather nice game. and worth a look.


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