Your Sinclair

Football Director

Author: James Leach
Publisher: D&H Games
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #71

Football Director

According to the box, Football Director is 'The Ultimate Football Challenge'. Well, I'm not so sure. Surely playing football (blindfold) for real against West Germany is the ultimate challenge? But never mind.

They haven't changed the character set with this one so all looks a bit, well, Speccyish, I suppose. There aren't any graphics, which speeds up the gameplay but also makes things look quite, er, boring.

What else? Oh yes, Football Director is probably the most crash-proof of the four I've been looking at. It's quite important, is crash-proof-ness ('cos when I'm losing I tend to hit all the keys on the Speccy as hard as I can).

James Leach

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