Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: A.W.
Publisher: Domark
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #92

Fancy winning £25,000 guv? Well according to the spiel with this game, the first person solving it will gain a handy little back-hander.

Basically you get five adventures, each in a different time period. Your task is to locate the five missing pieces of a talisman. Each adventure is preceded by an arcade game. By scoring more than 25,000 points in any game, you increase your vigour points in the adventure. All of the arcade sections were tile same type with minor changes and involved a maze of paths and picking up objects. 1 found them rather tedious and didn't spend much time on them.

The adventure sections are of a good standard: They are in real time and require rapid response. The graphics are good and seem to use multi-colour sprites to build up a picture. Surprisingly, sound is also used to good effect. Both are better than most adventures. The games are a little rudimentary in structure but still pretty challenging and good fun. Overall, fun but a little weak.


Other Reviews Of Eureka For The Commodore 64

A review by David Guest (Personal Computer News)

A review by L.C. (Home Computing Weekly)

Eureka! (Domark)
A review

Eureka! (Domark)
A review by Gunness (Classic Adventure Solutions Archive)

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