Your Sinclair

Disposable Heroes

Author: Tony Worrall
Publisher: The Power House
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #30

Disposable Heroes

Very apt title. This is the ultimate in disposable software, buy and bin as soon as possible. Chase Mega Garbage beings around a mega garbage landscape, and watch as badly animated sprites do battle with Mr Attribute-Clash!

These are the kind of games that should be buried at birth, or better still shown as health warnings to trainee games programmers! Disposable Heroes tries to be a cross between Underworlde, Nodes Of Yesod and Xanthius, but never gets even close to the worst of those.

I really can't see Power House making money out of this kind of tripe, unless someone out there is fool enough to add this to their collection. Take a tip - avoid!

Tony Worrall

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