A&B Computing

Diamond Pete

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Shingo Sugiura
Publisher: Alligata
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in A&B Computing 3.04

First of all, let me just say that this game is a real gem! You take the persona of Prospector Pete whose aim in life is to collect all the diamonds he can find in the mine. Each screen consists of rocks, diamonds, a door, lots of soil and Pete. Pete can move around digging his way through the soil, and diamonds may be collected simply by going through it. However, if he bumps into a rock, he will be dazed for a while and if he digs under a rock, it will fall onto his head, crushing him to death and losing one of his ten lives.

Having collected all the diamonds, you have to guide Pete to a door in order to move onto the next screen. Of course, quite often, you will find that the passage to the door is completely blocked by the rocks which you carelessly shifted. So you have to think very hard in order to clear a screen. All this in a short space of time.

Some of you may think this is similar to a game called Boulderdash which is available for virtually every machine other than the Model B. The general idea is in fact the same but unlike Boulderdash, the screen does not scroll and there are no enemy creatures. But the game is every bit as addictive, has plenty of screens to keep you busy and it is free to Micronet subscribers! It is simply the best strategy game available for the Beeb. I only wish that Unicorn Software would release this on tape commercially so that non-Micronet subscribers could enjoy it as well.

Shingo Sugiura

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