A&B Computing

Cosmic Battlezones

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Dave Reeder
Publisher: Ultimate
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in A&B Computing 3.08

Ultimate's games are usually of very high quality so I was pleased to receive their latest offering, Cosmic Battlezones for review.

This is in fact a collection of games, two of which I have reviewed and have been big hits. The other is a sequel to Jet Pac, a conversion of one of the bestsellers for the Spectrum.

I will give quick overviews of Jet Pac and Alien 8.

Jet Pac - The game starts with the parts of a three stage rocket littered about a barren landscape. You are armed with a lazer cannon and wearing a jetpack. With it, you must fly around, avoiding the hordes of aliens flying around the sku, collect the rocket parts, assemble them and fly off. The graphics are good, even by today's standards and the animation is still superb. The sound effects are very good, especially the explosions and, on the whole, this game is still one of my favourite shoot-'em-ups.

Alien 8 - The design of this game is similar to another of Ultimate's games called Knight Lore, having the same, now much copied 3D view and it is ony when the game is played in depth, the superior quality can be appreciated. Basically, you are in control of a robot which has to put its masters back into cryo suspension, the task is made difficult by aliens (such as clockwork mice and daleks) wandering around. Various objects must be used to overcome some of the obstacles.

The Mode 4 graphics are absolutely superb and the animation can not be faulted. Sound effects are minimal but the game is very addictive indeed.

Lunar Jetman - Having delivered Spaceship kits to various planets in the solar systems, you are now on a different plane with your trusty jetpack. This time, the main aim of the game is to destroy an alien base by dropping a bomb onto it. To help you to your goal, you have a moon rover at your disposal in which you are invulnerable. Unlike Jet Pac, the game is played over a wide playing area which scrolls sideways smoothly. It is another monochrome game but it makes up for this deiciency by very detailed and large characters which are superbly animated. In fact, the graphics are probably the best I have ever come across on the BBC. Although, as with most Ultimate games, the sound effects leave a lot to be desired, the games design, addictiveness and the general slickness of the game make it a must for all games lovers.

So, to conclude, a must for all you arcade games freaks.

Dave Reeder

Other Reviews Of Cosmic Battlezones For The BBC Model B

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Cosmic Battlezones (Ultimate)
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