Your Sinclair


Author: Tony Worrall
Publisher: Firebird
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Your Sinclair #30


Brainstorm, in concept and design, is very similar to Zolyx, (also from Firebird Silver,) in that moveable lines must be... er... moved around a multi-coloured checker board in an attempt to drive the bouncing ball onto point scoring squares. A fair old slice of brain power is required to reach anything above the third screen. Something I failed to do (without cheating that is!)

Like Zolyx this game is extremely simple to understand, and the graphics seem to be just as basic, but its still quite fun to play. A test of reactions and quick thinking rather than luck and guesswork, this is perfect budget fare, although I can't help feeling that we deserve something a little more sophisticated, even at this bargain basement price. All the same, Pete Cooke has come up with another little game - and if you go for puzzles, you'll like this.

Tony Worrall

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  • Grand Prix Simulator Front Cover
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  • Tetris Front Cover
  • Pi-R Squared Front Cover
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  • Implosion Front Cover
  • Level 5 Front Cover
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  • Dan Dare II: Mekon's Revenge Front Cover
    Dan Dare II: Mekon's Revenge
  • Prohibition Front Cover
  • Demons Revenge Front Cover
    Demons Revenge
  • Galletron Front Cover