Acorn User

Box Of Treasures

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Peter Voke
Publisher: 4Mation Educational Resources Ltd
Machine: BBC B/B+/Master 128

Published in Acorn User #057

Treasure Trove

Box Of Treasures

This represents a departure from traditional topic-based software. If your school is one where all the computers are in their own special room, and programs are used in complete isolation, you're probably going to consider this package rather expensive. Techno-freaks and machine-heads please note that there is more in the box than just a couple of disks.

As a resource pack this set of material takes some beating. It comprises two discs bearing nine separate programs, an audio tape containing three stories, six extensive and well-produced booklets, five help cards, a cut-out model, word cards and various labels.

The whole project revolves around the concept of the Box as the central theme. How you go about interpreting this theme is entirely up to you, as there is no definite route, no plan of attack, only stimuli for both teachers and pupils alike.

Mike Matson et al, who have proved themselves masters of the topic pack with such delights as Granny's Garden, Flowers Of Crystal and Dragon World, have surpassed themselves in this collection.

They are not aiming at the unenlightened teacher, however. Instead, the writers are looking towards those adventurous souls who will transform their whole teaching environment into a world developed from their topic teaching.

Peter Voke

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