Your Sinclair

BMX Simulator

Author: Phil South
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Your Sinclair #15

BMX Simulator

Do people still ride BMX bikes? I can't recall the last time I saw one... odd really, 'cos at one point you couldn't take a step without tripping over a ramp, or having your toes run over by some eager Darth Vader lookalike on a fat tyred bike. Still, someone must remember them, 'cos here's the simulation.

Steering with the joystick, and peddling with the fire button held down (I'm so glad you don't have to wibble the stick Daley Thompson style!) you play the computer, or a mate, racing around one of seven circuits. The trick is, naturally enough, to race around the track without falling off, in less than the time allotted. I know it sounds easy, but of course it isn't. You bump into the tyres and old car seats with depressing regularity, and spend so much time flying through the air you feel like a British Airways commercial.

I'm not so sure I like the plan view you get of the track either. The BMX bikes and their riders look like that old Mexican on a bicycle joke, but you soon get used to that. It plays really fast, so you'd better be a bit clever with the old handlebars if you want to get round the track.

An impressive game, especially for the price. I recommended it.

Phil South

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