Computer Gamer


Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer Gamer #27


At last, the aliens get a look in. Armourdillo's one slight claim to originality is that the crazed, homicidal, power-hungry geeks from outer space are humans! And it's the cute, peace-loving Mobantians who are fighting off man. Just as it would be in real life I suspect.

Having said that, there isn't really very much to recommend this game over a million others. It's a typical competent but lacklustre smooth-scroller, with a few wacky sprites a la Minter thrown in. The aim of the game is to rescue batches of fellow Mobantians from left screen and deliver them to salvation - which is about 2,000 pixels to the right. In the meantime, assorted thingoids must be dodged or shot; these include giant nuts and bolts and general amorphous lumps.

The landscape hasn't got much to recommend it either. Frame one is fine, lots of sinister, lasciviously winking eyes in the background - but what reward do you reap for getting to frame two? A bunch of Mobantian slag-heaps is what. I made my excuses and left.