Sinclair User

3D Luna Attack

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Hewson Consultants
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #27

3D Lunattack

YOU KNOW the story. They need some poor sap to pilot the latest Z5 Luna Hover Fighter through hordes of enemy tanks and aircraft and missiles on a suicide mission to destroy the aliens' base.

The screen shows the view from your cockpit - a bleak, dark landscape teeming with hostile craft. At the bottom of the screen there is an array of instruments - radar, laser beams, missiles, shields, temperature gauge and the like. The controls are difficult to handle and of the type where you lose position rapidly through having to over-correct continually. A joystick is probably vital but it is difficult to survive long enough to find how to use even that with any skill.

That is clearly one for the cognoscenti, the experienced veterans of shoot-'em-up programs, and Hewson Consultants proudly calls it the latest and most difficult in its Seiddab saga. To go with the game there is a taped pep-talk and briefing from your laconic commanding officer.

If your fingers are used to coping with the alien hordes you might get something from this. Newcomers and klutzes had better go elsewhere for death or glory.

Memory: 48K Price: £7.95

Other Reviews Of 3D Lunattack For The Spectrum 48K

3D Lunattack (Hewson)
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3D Lunattack (Hewson)
A review by J.S. (Home Computing Weekly)

3D Luna Attack (Hewson)
A review by SM (Personal Computer Games)

3D Lunattack (Hewson Consultants)
A review

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