Time Bandit (1984) (Tandy Color Computer 1/2/3)

Available For:
Amiga 500, Atari ST, Dragon 32 & Tandy Color Computer 1/2/3

Tags: maze, avoid, collect, top-down, dragon, atari st, dragon 64, coco 1, amiga 500, coco 2, coco 3
Publisher: Computer Shack
Author(s): Bill Dunlevy & Harry Lafnear
On-Screen Language(s): English
Genre: Unknown Genre Type
Items: Time Bandit (Computer Shack, Cassette), Time Bandit (Computer Shack, 5.25" Disc), Time Bandit (Microdeal, Cassette)

Screenshots (5)

Time Bandit is Thing ID 53163 in our database.

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