The Worm In Paradise (1986) (BBC Model B)

Available For:
Amiga 500, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE, Atari ST, BBC Model B, Commodore 64, MSX & Spectrum 48K/128K

Tags: text only, bbc b, amstrad 464, 400, c64, msx, spectrum 48k, spectrum 128k, 600xl, atari 800xl, atari st, toshiba msx, 130xe, atari 800, amstrad 664
Publisher: Level 9 Computing
Author(s): Mike Austin, Nick Austin & Pete Austin
On-Screen Language(s): English
Genre: Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Items: The Worm In Paradise (Level 9 Computing, Cassette)

Screenshots (4)

The Worm In Paradise is Thing ID 33154 in our database.

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