Bulbo And The Lizard King ========================= Tips ---- To recruit a new member to your "party", either HIRE, SELECT or CHOOSE. To dismiss a member of your "party" just FIRE them. The donkey is down a dark alleyway to the SOUTHWEST of the market place. To get it to accompany Bulbo, just TAKE HOLD OF ROPE (the one around its neck!) To pass the Dragon, either KILL it or cure it! To cure Dragon just EXAMINE it when the Donkey is with you and then Search Pack to find the necessary items. To pass the rat in safety, return to the location with the boulder in it (NW from the Dragon) and ROLL BOULDER ....... N.B. You can only do this after you have visited the rat. To pass the Orcs just HIDE in the nearby bushes. To get the Donkey over the wall just be kind and LIFT DONKEY OVER WALL or else be cruel and THROW DONKEY OVER WALL. To cross the ravines and chasms you will need to leave the Donkey behind, so just DROP ROPE. Characters ---------- HERMIT ..... Talk to him both before and after the arrival of his companion. The same applies to the witch. WITCH ..... examine the coins in your pouch to learn the name of the "golden bird". GUARDIAN ... to pass him you will need some magic and this can be found in the network of caves that the Hermit lives in. So examine them all until you find the one with the shelves full of goodies and then just WAIT when the ELF is with you. RIVER ..... either get a friend to build a boat or else SWIM RIVER and then SWIM EAST. LAKE ...... either SWIM LAKE and then SWIM SOUTH or else WAIT (if you have done a good deed). SPADE ..... you will need this to dig in the sand, so STEAL it when you have somewhere to hide it from the eyes of the Trolls....... a backpack would come in handy! SPIDER .... either get the Archer to kill it and then get the Swordsman to cut the web or get the Dwarf to have words with it. Failing this you could always WAIT when the Donkey is with you CREATURES . Having a conversation with ALL the creatures that will answer you, will provide you with some important clues on how to defeat Stratos. CASTLE .... Get the archer to kill the guard (EXAMINE ALCOVE to reveal him) and then get the Thief to unlock it. PIT ....... either get one of your friends to find you a means to descend into the pit or else all of you can push over a column to form a bridge. STRATOS ... Remember everything you have been told on your travels and use this knowledge to bring about his downfall. N.B. The "circle" requires four (4) companions and that does NOT include a donkey! CRYSTAL DAGGER ..... this only serves ONE purpose and that is to open up a way into Stratos's lair, so LAY DAGGER into the depression in the marble slab and then remember what the mice told you! (to find the depression just EXAMINE the slab).