1. INTRODUCTION You are in the service of a mighty sorcerer called Zarenol. While he is away at the annual Grand Meeting of Sorcerers you stumble across one of his old spell books. Calling Lan, your friend and helper, you decide to try one of the spells. Unfortunately all does not go well. During the spell a demon appears and none of your spells of banishment work. Eventually the demon speaks, 'I curse you weakling.' and with those words he is gone. Mortified you look to Lan for reassurance. Lan gives you the information you require to create the spell needed to banish the demon. You must:- a) Find out the demon's name. b) Find the nature of the curse. c) Use the great staff of Zarenol. d) Get the tooth of a dragon. e) Find the Master's secret room. 2. DICTIONARY a) Movement N - North, S - South, E - East, W - West, UP - DOWN b) Special Verbs CALL LAN - to call a friend for help. EXAMINE - things to gain extra clues. HELP - for a clue, may be. LOAD - to load a previously SAVEd game. LOOK AROUND - reveals lots of things not immediately obvious. SAVE - to save game position and carried / worn objects. WORD - to see a selection from the vocabulary. I - inventory of objects carried / worn. R - redescribe the location. c) Action Verbs Input is VERB/NOUN (object) as program only recognises the FIRST FOUR letters of the first two words. BANG PULL BREAK PUSH DRAW READ DROP REMOVE EAT SIT ENTER SHUT FIND STIR GET STOP INSERT TAKE KILL THROW LOOK UNLOCK MIX UNTIE OPEN WEAR