Armageddon ========== Armageddon ---------- Commander of the missile battery - your mission to save the cities from nuclear attack. Hi-resolution graphics and solid machine code bring the arcade feel right home. Playing ------- Your mission, as the commander of the Missile battery, is to prevent the destruction of your cities and the 'Armageddon' by bombarding the attacking nuclear tracers with your ballistic firepower. The armed spy satellite must also be stopped and as the action speeds up your concentration will be tested. Difficulty increases as each attack wave is repelled! Good luck. Status And Scoring ------------------ On-screen scoring shows current score. Hi-score and the number of missiles left. After each attack wave the status of cities and missiles is affirmed. Points are scored as follows: Direct hit ... 20 points Spy satellite ... 100 points Bonus for each missile left ... 10 points Game Controls ------------- N - Left, M - Right, S - Up, X - Down, A - Fire H - Toggle Pause Skill Level: 1-5 Kempston, 6-0 Keyboard Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)