Personal Compuer Games

Bruce Lee

Author: Steven Perkins
Publisher: U. S. Gold
Machine: Atari 400

Published in Personal Computer Games #13

Bruce Lee

Games based upon TV shows or film stars tend to be fairly mediocre, relying on the title rather than the game itself to sell. Datasoft's Bruce Lee, however, is a big exception.

You play Bruce Lee, searching for vast wealth and the secret of immortality. You have to penetrate the Fortress of the Wizard, who has both of these, and destroy him. To reach him, you must make your way through nineteen screens of action. You have to collect lanterns (no, I didn't understand why either) to enable you to move from screen to screen.

Trying to stop you are two lethal enemies: the Green Yamo, who attacks you with blows, and the Ninja who is armed with an array of deadly weapons. Fortunately, you can give as good as you get with karate chops and kicks. At early levels these two are easy to kill, but in later rounds they become considerably faster and more deadly. The Yamo ends up becoming a real toughie, I can tell you.

Bruce Lee

Bruce is a very manoeuvrable figure and controlling him is simple. You can run, jump, duck, chop and kick, the latter actions being accompanied by appropriate bone-crunching noises.

There are several player options, allowing one player to be the Yamo or two players to alternate as Bruce and his green foe. There is also a very useful option for left-handed people.

Apart from the lack of sound and a rather anti-climatic last screen (in which you confront the Wizard), Bruce Lee is a great game and well worth the price.

Steven Perkins