Introduction | Part 1: The First Jaunt | Part 2: The Church And The Dungeons | Part 3: The West Tower | Part 4: The Caves | Part 5: The Firepit Puzzle | Part 6: The Princess And The Frog | Part 7: Entrance To The West Woods | Part 8: The Death Sword | Part 9: The Magic Boots | Part 10: Endgame


Palace Of Magic 2016: The BBC Micro Version Comes To The Electron

This is a solution to the BBC Micro version of Palace Of Magic, a game also made available for the first time on the Electron as Palace Of Magic 2016. Originally published in The Disk User, I have left much of the text untouched but added in screenshots and broken the solution into sections to aid readability.

So if you've never got hold of the Magic Sword or the Magic Boots, and never restored the hero to his original size, then now's your chance...

Note: Co-ordinates are given as they appear on screen - 'y' and 'r' are yellow and red respectively and keys are coded thus: m(agenta), (w)hite, (c)yan, (b)lue, (g)reen and (r)ed. So the starting point (The Main Palace) is y0:y0.

Also, you will be aware (if you have any experience of the game) that there are energy-giving top hats scattered throughout the palace. This solution does not (except in one instance) give any direction as to whether or when you should collect these; it is up to your own judgement.

Part 1: The First Jaunt

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Start the game and proceed to The Rooftop (y1:y2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the m/w key, then go down to The Passages (y0:r2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the m/w gate. Then go left to The Passages r3:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the rope then go left again to r4:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Get the c/b key here, then go back right through the passages and up again to the Main Palace (y0:y1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the rope then go east to the East Palace (y1:y1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the c/b gate then continue right and up to East Tower (y3:y2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) As you come up the rope on the right, climb left over the central pillar and descend the rope on the left into (y3:y2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the bricks, climb back up the to the top of the tower then jump left to Rooftop (y2:y2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the w/g key then continue left and down to Main Palace (y0:y0).

Part 2: The Church And The Dungeons

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the bricks and collect the rope here. Next go left and down to The Tower Base (r4:y0).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the w/g gate.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Next, go right to The West Palace (r3:y0).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop rope and get the cross here. Now, proceed to The Rooftop (r3:y3).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the statue then go down and right to The East Exit (y3:r1) and through the East Wood to The Balcony (y8:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) The Priest will take the cross as you enter. Continue right and up to The Church (y8:y0).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the Halo here, then go left and down to y9:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Get the y/r key and leave the Statue. Now go all the way back to The West Palace (r2:y0).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open gate and then pass through where it was. You will fall into (r2:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the candle in here and then head right to (y1:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Return up and right to The Church (yA:r1), then drop down into The Cellar (yA:r2).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the gate here but don't pass through it. Instead, return back up to The Church (y9:y1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the statue, then go straight back to The Cellar (yA:r2) again.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Go down to The Dungeons (yA:r3).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Be careful here - the only safe exit from this room is via the passageway in the middle at the bottom.
Drop through it to land in (yA:r4).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Survived? Good, fall through the bottom of the screen to (yA:r5).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now head down and left to yA:r7.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Take the passage to the left then go up and left to y7:r6.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the Statue to neutralise the dragonheads.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now return to yA:r7.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect bowl and return to y7:r6.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Here you should aim to get over the ropes without falling to your doom. Continue to y5:r6.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And on to y4:r6.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And up to y3:r4.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And up to y3:r2.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And finally back to The Main Palace at r1:y0.

Part 3: The West Tower

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the Candle and take the Halo.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Then go left to The West Palace (r3:y0).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the bowl, take the rope and go left and up to Guardhouse (r4:y3).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Go up to West Tower (r4:y5).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Take the r/y key and drop the rope.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) You might be tempted to climb up the rope, but don't! Instead, retrace all of your steps back to r1:y0.

Part 4: The Caves

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Take the candle, then go right and down to y2:r1 (The East Exit).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the r/y key, take the b/c key then go all the way right to The Church and down to y8:r7.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the b/c gate then walk left through where it was and continue to The Caves (y7:r7).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Navigate the ropes to reach y6:r7.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Then descend the only rope to y6:r8.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Halfway down the rope, turn left into the hidden passage.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) You will eventually emerge next to the frog, and can collect it before heading to y3:r5.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And eventually finding your way back to The West Palace (r3:y0) again.

Part 5: The Firepit Puzzle

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the Candle here and take the bowl. Then go left and up The West Tower to r4:y1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) This room is a little tricky and requires some precise timing. When you've perfected the jump and climb combination, proceed to r4:y5.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now you get to climb the rope you placed here earlier - and you'll arrive at The West Tower (r4:y6).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Here, place the bowl on the stand and wait for it to fill with rainwater. Then pick it up again and jump off the right hand side of the screen, holding down the right key so that you fall all the way through the blank screens to right r2:y3.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Descend the rope to r2:y2.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now go down and right to the East Exit (y2:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the frog, take the r/y key, then go right through the woods again to The Church (y8:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Open the r/y gate but don't go through the opening yet!
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Instead, retrace your steps to y2:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Pick up the frog and then go back again to yB:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now go through the opening and keep going right until you reach The Firepit (yH:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Put out the fire with the bowl of water and go right to Royal House (y1:r1).

Part 6: The Princess And The Frog

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Give the frog to the princess and go right to yJ:r1.

Part 7: Entrance To The West Woods

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Pick up the w/m key, then go back left all the way back over the bridge, through the church, through the woods and to The East Exit (y2:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Head down into The Basement (y2:r2)...
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) ...and unlock the gate with the w/m key.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Go through the opening to y1:r2.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Then find your way to y1:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the gold bar and then escape The Passages back to The Main Palace (y0:y1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Get the bricks then return to The Passages again and go down and left through them to the West Exit (r4:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop bricks to reveal hidden exit.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now head left to The West Wood (r5:r1).

Part 8: The Death Sword

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Now, before you give the Gold Bar to the dwarf, this next part is extremely time-critical. What happens next is that (a) the dwarf disappears, and (b) you are given a sword which survives for approximately two minutes. As soon as you make the exchange, you must find your way to the location (y1:y1) as quickly as possible. You also need at least half-energy to stand much chance - so find a spare top hat somewhere if your energy is any lower. If you're confident you can do it, go ahead and make the trade...
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) The sword appears. Run right through all the passages and up, left, up, right to (y1:y1). Barge your way through all the patrolling nasties.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Done it! Now head right to y2:y1.

Part 9: The Magic Boots

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Either leap the gap or, if the sword is still working, fall into the gap and kill the baddies with it. Then collect the magic boots. These boots give you a much greater jumping ability, and fundamentally change how you must navigate some of the familiar rooms. Try them out for a while, before going all the way back right (through the woods, the church, the river and the firepit) to The Royal House (yJ:r1) again.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Collect the treasure chest. Then head back to The Passages (y1:r1).

Part 10: Endgame

Palace Of Magic (BBC B) And find your way back to the bricks and the entrance to The West Wood, finally arriving at r6:r1.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Here, a knight guards the transporter home. Give him the treasure chest.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Go left to The Transporter (r7:r1).
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Drop the magic boots on the panel and enjoy the show.
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Boom!
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) Well done! You have transported. You are home. And you'll remember that you were originally "reduced to half of your normal size" before being confined to the Palace Of Magic too...?
Palace Of Magic (BBC B) You're big again!

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